How to catalog your folders

How to select the folder you want to catalog

Simply right-hand click the relevant drive or folder in Windows Explorer.

There are several methods to right-hand click the folder or drive.

  1. The most usual way is:
    1. to open Windows Explorer, either by
      1. going to the Start menu and launching it, or
      2. click on it in the taskbar if it is visible, or
      3. by pressing Windows and S.
    2. You should then see a two pane window (if you don’t, see option 2 below).
    3. You can then right-hand click on a single folder or drive in the left-hand pane to display the context menu.

Right-hand clicking in the right-hand pane.

  1. Open Windows Explorer using one of the methods described above, and then right-hand click on a single folder or drive, either:
    1. in the right-hand pane or,
    2. if there is only one pane visible, in the window.

Window from the Start menu

  1. Starting with the Start menu:
    1. Click on the Start menu,
    2. Click on Computer, and
    3. right-hand click on a single hard drive

[This method does not work on Windows 8.0, but does work on Windows 8.1].

Clicking on a shortcut

  1. Right-hand click on a shortcut which points to a folder or drive:

Clicking on the Start Menu.

  1. Click on the Start menu and Computer, and right-hand click on your name, (My) Documents, (My) Pictures or (My) Music, as these are shortcuts to a single folder.

[This does not work on Windows 8.0, but does work on Windows 8.1]:

The following methods will not work:

  1. Right-hand click on a file (such as a Word or Excel document). Our Filecats programs catalog entire folders and all their subfolders, and not a single file.
  2. Right-hand click on Libraries, as that is not a folder or drive.

Cataloging a library part.

You can, however, catalogue part of a library:

  1. Right-hand clicking on the library “Documents” will catalogue the folder “My Documents”.
  2. Right-hand clicking on the library “Music” will catalogue the folder “My Music”.
  3. Right-hand clicking on the library “Pictures” will catalogue the folder “My Pictures”.
  4. Right-hand click on the library “Videos” will catalogue the folder “Videos”.

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