How to catalog your folders
How to select the folder you want to catalog
Simply right-hand click the relevant drive or folder in Windows Explorer.
There are several methods to right-hand click the folder or drive.
- The most usual way is:
- to open Windows Explorer, either by
- going to the Start menu and launching it, or
- click on it in the taskbar if it is visible, or
- by pressing Windows and S.
- You should then see a two pane window (if you don’t, see option 2 below).
- You can then right-hand click on a single folder or drive in the left-hand pane to display the context menu.
- to open Windows Explorer, either by
- Open Windows Explorer using one of the methods described above, and then right-hand click on a single folder or drive, either:
- in the right-hand pane or,
- if there is only one pane visible, in the window.
- Starting with the Start menu:
- Click on the Start menu,
- Click on Computer, and
- right-hand click on a single hard drive
[This method does not work on Windows 8.0, but does work on Windows 8.1].
- Right-hand click on a shortcut which points to a folder or drive:
- Click on the Start menu and Computer, and right-hand click on your name, (My) Documents, (My) Pictures or (My) Music, as these are shortcuts to a single folder.
[This does not work on Windows 8.0, but does work on Windows 8.1]:
The following methods will not work:
- Right-hand click on a file (such as a Word or Excel document). Our Filecats programs catalog entire folders and all their subfolders, and not a single file.
- Right-hand click on Libraries, as that is not a folder or drive.
You can, however, catalogue part of a library:
- Right-hand clicking on the library “Documents” will catalogue the folder “My Documents”.
- Right-hand clicking on the library “Music” will catalogue the folder “My Music”.
- Right-hand clicking on the library “Pictures” will catalogue the folder “My Pictures”.
- Right-hand click on the library “Videos” will catalogue the folder “Videos”.