Photograph and GPS metadata
Photographs/Pictures (2’01”)
Filecats Professional is able to swiftly extract metadata from pictures and photographs into an Excel spreadsheet for your use.
Pictures have some very basic metadata, such as number of pixels used and the amount of compression used in JPEGs.
Photographs have a lot more metadata, because they are set by the camera or mobile phone which has been used to create the photo.
Common photo metadata include: the date and time that the camera believes the photograph was taken (this is dependent on the camera having been set up correctly, of course). The camera manufacturer and model. The aperature. The brightness, digital zoom, flash and focal length.
However, there is a host of less common photograph metadata (which may or may be set by the camera) which might be interesting in specific circumstances, such as the Lens manufacturer, any related sound files (some camera allow you to record 20 seconds of sound when taking the picture).
There is also GPS data, which is the subject of another video.
Photograph GPS Metadata (1’36”)
Filecats Professional is able to swiftly extract metadata from pictures and photographs into an Excel spreadsheet for your use. Included in that is GPS data, which some mobile phones and cameras can record. They can be very useful in finding out whether a photograph was taken in the place it is said it was taken in.
For example, I was given a number of photographs that were said to be taken in the East Midlands. However, on checking the metadata, some of them were apparently taken in North Wales, several hundred miles away.
The most interesting of the GPS data are the co-ordinates, the longitude and latitude. However, there is other data which might be of use, such as the altitude and the direction the camera was facing.