Catalog files for E-discovery
In England, the disclosure of electronic documents (e-disclosure) as part of a court case is governed by Practice Direction 31B. Clause 31 shows the structure of the catalog needed for your Electronically Stored Information (ESI):
31 Where a party provides another party with disclosure data in electronic form, the following provisions will apply unless the parties agree or the court directs otherwise –
(1) Disclosure data should be set out in a single, continuous table or spreadsheet, each separate column containing exclusively one of the following types of disclosure data –
(a) disclosure list number (sequential)
(b) date
(c) document type
(d) author/sender
(e) recipient
(f) disclosure list number of any parent or covering document;
(2) other than for disclosure list numbers, blank entries are permissible and preferred if there is no relevant disclosure data (that is, the field should be left blank rather than state ‘Undated’);
(3) dates should be set out in the alphanumeric form ‘01 Jan 2010’; and
(4) Disclosure data should be set out in a consistent manner.
Both Filecats Standard and Filecats Explore assists you in complying with 1(a)-(c) and (2)-(4).
Filecats Professional and Filecats Metadata assists you in complying with 1(a)-(d) and (2)-(4) for Microsoft Office documents, and 1(a)-1(e) and (2)-(4) for MSG emails, thereby reducing the amount of work needed to check and complete the schedule.
Please see the video below for more details.
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