
Introduction and How to Use

Our Filecats programs allow to you export the names and attributes of Windows files and folders into another format for you to use.

  • Filecats Standard and Filecats Professional create a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.
  • Filecats Explore and Filecats Metadata use a table built into the program.

All of the programs capture information such as filenames, path, file size, and dates that the file was created, last accessed and last modified. They also create hyperlinks to the folder and the file, so that either the file itself or a Windows Explorer view of the folder can be opened directly from the spreadsheet or table.

  • Filecats Standard and Filecats Explore capture these columns with just two clicks from Windows Explorer.
  • Both Filecats Professional and Filecats Metadata also add document properties for Microsoft Office documents, audio/video files, pictures/photographs, and MSG files contained in Windows Explorer.

Our programs are very easy to use. Once installed, there is no program in the Start menu or on the Desktop. Instead,

simply right-hand click on a single folder or drive in Windows Explorer

and select the relevant program. That’s it! The spreadsheet or table is created, and you can use it or email it to someone else:

  • If you are using Filecats Standard or Filecats Professional, it can be saved as an Excel spreadsheet – anyone you email it to only need a spreadsheet viewer in order to read it.
  • If you are using Filecats Explore or Filecats Metadata, then you can copy and paste the results into your favorite application or an email.

Additional features can also be found in the videos on this website.

If, however, there are additional questions you want to answering, the below manual shows some of the features of our programs, and how to make best use of them.

Cataloging a folder

To catalog the files within a folder and its subfolders:

  1. Right-hand click on the folder in Windows Explorer,
  2. Select your Filecats program, and
  3. Set the amount of document properties required (Filecats Professional and Filecats Metadata) only.

Your Filecats program will then start cataloguing.

First of all:

  • Filecats Standard and Filecats Professional opens Microsoft Excel. There may be a short delay until Excel opens.
  • Filecats Explore and Filecats Metadata creates an internal table.

Then the files start being cataloged. The speed is dependent on many factors, such as:

  • the speed of the computer processor,
  • the speed of the interface (e.g. internal hard drive will be faster than an external hard drive or USB drive) and
  • the amount of metadata that is required to be captured (for Filecats Professional and Filecats Metadata).

The process continues until either all the files and folders have been cataloged, or the “Cancel” button has been pressed.

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The next step depends on the specific program you are using.

Download Filecats Manual


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