

Major Episodes

Episode 432: Theme Park Etiquette Revisited

Episode 303: Mike Scopa Pontificates From 14’45” onwards

Episode 120: Theme Park Etiquette

Cell phones/ Social Media

1127 22:30 A listener from Australia asks about buying SIM cards.

1112 24:16 Mike from Virginia comments on theme park etiquitte

0552 5’15”: Raphael from Uruguay asks about pre-paid phone carriers.

LS31 Part 1 – 10’05”: Kim from Pittsburgh asks about the Verizon wireless phone service.

Steve feels cell phones should be off on attractions.
Len says they should be off during shows but doesn’t find a problem with them on rides.

Mark of OR wants to know if cell phone coverage has improved any in Walt Disney World.
Mike Scopa has used 3 different carrers and now uses Verizon Wireless without any problem.
Annette also finds Verizon very good.

Becky of UK wants to know if pay-as-you-go cell phones or walkie talkies in the parks.
Matt thinks walkie talkies would be the easiest option for Becky.
Mike Newell says the walkie talkies would still work when she goes home and it might be a better option.
Mike Scopa says the problem with the walkie talkies is you can’t call Disney Dining to make reservations.
Mike Newell says Becky should see if Virgin Mobile has any plan that works in both the UK and US.

Disney Spirit

1313 19:17 Kelly from Florida recollects a bad situation leaving Magic Kingdom at closing

1198 15:12 James from Illinois asks for suggestions on ways for his party to tour with another family who isn’t as big on Disney

0665 12’20”: 14-year-old Even from TX wants to show his father WDW without the Princess aspect.

0662 21’40”: Jim refers to the Glass Slipper surprise on the carriage-ride, and relates how two young girls got into the Disney Spirit.

0600 15’20”: Robert and crew from Tennessee refers to Episode 528, when the Panel was discussing Bristol, and says that his family are that Disney enthusiasts family.

0582 8’00”: Chris asks about violence in the Parks.

LSE1 38’45”: Simon from Jersey answers why he goes to WDW so often, and Matt nearly starts a revolution.

38’45”: Simon from Jersey answers why he goes to WDW so often, and Matt nearly starts a revolution.

0567 6’35”: Craig says that kids should go to Disney.

0528 23’40”: Will from Ioha wants to justify WDW.

JR of PA wants to know how to get his mother into the Disney spirit.

John wants to know our thoughts on people using Disneyification as an insult.


1394 13:04 Karen asks how to handle unruly guests at the parks

1391 15:49 A listener questions the ethics of booking a stay at a resort without the intent of staying there such as to obtain FastPass Plus priority

1269 2:32 Ann from New York ponders ignorant pet peeves

1198 21:51 Ann from New York asks about park pet peeves

0642 9’50”: Lisa from Washington asks how the Panel deal with people who are just plain wrong.

0633 11’25”: Michael from Hawaii talks about declining guest etiquette.

0618 12’35”: Scott from Wisconsin asks about the Verizon Disney service.

0606 9’45”: Chris asks about tactics against people who crowd you too much.

0519 1’50”: Megan from NJ talks about rude guests.

Jerry also comments on theme park ettiquite.

LS05 Aaron of IN wanted to offer his own pet peeves


Episode 916: Deceptive Queue Lines

Episode 174: Disney Queue Line Survival Guidebook

0630 11’00”: Laura from NJ refers to Episode 551, and gives suggests about entertaining children in line. Scopa refers to Kim Button (, who was on Episode 174.

0546 13’00”: Gerry from NH asks about going to the left or right in attraction queues.

Toby of LA wants to know how accurate the standby wait times are.

Turk of MN wants to know advice for when waiting in lines with kids.
Mike Scopa recommends Kim Button’s [1]Disney Queue Line Survival Guidebook and Tim Foster’s [2]Guide to the Magic.

Unofficial WDW Today Wiki – by Phillip Burton and Andrew Carrieri

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