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Name of company: Filecats Limited
Registered office: 1 Fairfield Street, Bingham, Nottinghamshire, NG13 8FB
United Kingdom Company Number: 8983019
Filecats Limited is not currently VAT registered.
Videos about Microsoft SQL Server, Excel, and much more – for way less than $30
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Name of company: Filecats Limited
Registered office: 1 Fairfield Street, Bingham, Nottinghamshire, NG13 8FB
United Kingdom Company Number: 8983019
Filecats Limited is not currently VAT registered.
Hey team,
I am with SHI, an IT solutions reseller, and I have an Academic customer seeking a quote for your software. Do you work with resellers? If so, could I get a quote for one year of Filecat Professional Edition with any discounts related to Academic customers and/or partners? Thank you!
We are more than happy to work with resellers. I have emailed you a Priority Code.
If you are an Academic customer and would like a discount for one year of Filecats Professional or Filecats Metadata, please email me. I’m sorry, but as the price is so low, I cannot offer discounts for Filecats Standard or Filecats Explorer except for bulk purchases.
i want to download the standard version to evaluate. I am facing the same problem as before. I get a message that i have already subscribed to the newsletter and keeps me going round in circles. There seems to be a problem.
Use this direct link:
I have created an email catalog in excel using the professional version.
If i move the folder and the excel to another drive, the data in the spreadsheet disappears.
i want to send the data and the catalog to a third party.
I would be most grateful if you could please advise me i can do that?
Looking forward to hear from you very soon.
Many thanks
I don’t know what you mean – data in a spreadsheet would not disappear because you move a folder.
If you mean the hyperlinks don’t work, then you need to check the relative path – go to and see the video “Cataloguing CDs and ISO 9001” for more details.
I purchased your Pro product about a month ago. I am trying to extract the metadata from a folder of msg files and your product seem to be a good fit. After having some time to test it out, I find that I am missing some metadata and am a little confused with your selection of the metadata when it comes to the To, CC, BCC, and From with regards to the Display vs Address. I am only interested in the Display metadata and your product does not export the Display of CC, BCC, or From. It only extracts the To Display. Am I missing something? Is the a better way to pick and choose the metadata? Is this something that you could easily and quickly add?
I’ve done a catalog of MSG data, with Standard Metadata and Outlook Metadata up to full. Column FU and FV have the BCC and CC – a mixture of Display To and Email – and column FW has Receipients, which includes both Display To and Address.
I hope that answers your question.
Hi I want to try out your program but it needs to install on a network with no internet connection.
Can this be done ?
Yes, it should be possible.
The program will try to open a “thank you” web page on that computer.
Go to that web page on another computer, and you should be able to get a license to use on that computer. Use that license on that computer.